A Friendly Concert By Canberra Chordsmen - Canberra Chordsmen

7:45pm, Thu, 7 May 2015

Event Details

Type of event: Performance
Start time: 7:45pm
Duration: 60min
Venue: Raiders Belconnen
Description: A friendly concert by Canberra Chordsmen will feature the new singers that have participated in our SING! Barbershop Harmony program running since April 9. There will be guest performances from Canberra Harmony Chorus and quartets The Crunch, Chordsmiths, Corduroys and Funsize. Family and friends of all performers are most welcome. So please come along, maybe have dinner at the Bistro before hand, enjoy the show and let the ringing of Barbershop chords warm the cockles of your heart on what is likely to otherwise be a cold autumn evening